Welcome to the Col. Richard Somers Chapter of the NJ Society, Sons of the American Revolution.

Induction of Robert Leek
Charlie Morgan, Robert Leek, Mike Mangum

At our March 13, 2025 meeting we inducted Compatriot Robert Leek into our ranks. Robert is a descendant of Patriot John Leake.  

Compatriot Russ Dutcher gave a presentation on Col. John Glover’s Regiment at the Battles of Trenton and Princeton.

Presentation Video

Charlie Morgan, Sean Seifert, Mike Mangum

At our February meeting we inducted Sean Seifert, patriot Captain John Milner, to our ranks.  Following dinner, past chapter and state President and current County Historian Norman Goos gave a presentation on the Changing Beaches, Extra Inlets, and Unchanging Bays of Atlantic County – 1600 to Present.
Presentation Slides

Somers Price Induction
Charlie Morgan, Somers Price, Mike Mangum
At our January 16, 2025 meeting we inducted Compatriot Somers Price to our ranks. Somers is a descendant of Revolutionary Patriot Private Silas Crane

What an amazing day Sunday, January 26, 2025 was for the Gen. Lafayette Chapter, NSDAR! They unveiled the America 250 bronze plaque at Zion United Methodist Church an event that has literally been years in the making. They were joined by the NJDAR State Regent, members of her board, the NJSSAR Color Guard, members of the Church congregation, fellow DAR Daughters from the chapter, EHT HS ROTC, Purple Heart Veteran Marco Polo and many more. Also in attendance was Congressman Jeff Van Drew (R-2nd) who presented the Chapter with a Congressional Proclamation and a Congressional Challenge Coin!

Congressman Van Drew
DAR with Plaque

At the Greenwich Tea Burning Remembrance 12/22/2024

Presentation of Colors
Presentation of Colors
On a beautiful Fall Saturday, we joined with our Sisters of the General Lafayette Chapter , NSDAR, to remember the heroes of the Battle of Chestnut Neck.  This was a State Color Guard Event and included presentations by Port Republic Mayor Nikki Giberson, and Committeeman John Risley.  Additionally, past president Norman Goos, provided historical insight to those events of almost 250 years ago.
All event photos may be found here.
Presentation Video Follows

The Atlantic County Historical Society has digitized its collection of Yearbooks of Historical and Genealogical Information dated from 1947 to the present.  They have provided us with a searchable copy of the Tables of Contents of all 76 Volumes.

Somers Mansion Excavation

Have you provided your patriot’s bio to webmaster@colrichardsomers.com ?