The Colonel Richard Somers Chapter, New Jersey Society,  Sons of the American Revolution is comprised predominantly of revolutionary descendants living in Atlantic, Cape May, Eastern Burlington County  and Southern Ocean County, New Jersey. Founded in 1943 and revitalized in the mid 1970’s .  Today we boast a membership of over 50 active compatriots. Our chapter concentrates primarily on events related to the Battle of Chestnut Neck and the actions of the brave men of Somers’ 3rd Battalion in the Revolution.

Mission Statement

Charter Dinner 1944

Original Charter

Charles Morgan, Dennis Steelman, Stephen McBrearty,

Michael Mangum, Paul Tucci, Donald Higbee


Michael Mangum, President

Rev. Norman Goos, President Emeritus

Charles Morgan, Vice President

Paul Tucci, Secretary

Donald Bayconich, Sr., Treasurer

William Schmitz, Treasurer Emeritus

Donald Higbee, Chaplain

Benjamin Brenner, Sgt. at Arms

Daniel Tracy, Chancellor

Stephen McBrearty, Quartermaster

Dennis Steelman, Trustee/Web Master

Recipients of 2019 Longevity Certificates

Our Chapter meets monthly (well, most of the time) at Fred and Ethel’s Lantern Light Restaurant & Tavern located in Historic Smithville.  These meetings usually feature a lecture of historic interest or an informative video.  Guests are always welcome.

Additionally, we conduct Memorial Day Services and Commemorate the Anniversary of the battle of Chestnut Neck, with our sisters of the Gen. Lafayette Chapter, NJDAR.

Group Attendees
Turn out for Count Von Donop Lecture 7/13/23

SAR DAR Monuments

Privateers Memorial
KIA Memorial
Militia Man Memorial