Militiaman Centennial, October 8th, 2011

the Militiaman Monument

On a beautiful Fall Saturday, the General Lafayette Chapter, NSDAR and the Colonel Richard Somers Chapter, NJSSAR joined to remember the 233rd anniversary of the Battle of Chestnut Neck and the 100th Anniversary of the dedication of the Militiaman Monument.

About 200 people joined the celebration which included a presentation from County Executive Dennis Levinson and a speech by Port Republic Mayor Gary Giberson.

Additionally the presentation was followed by a Flag Retirement Ceremony conducted by Boy Scout Troop 21 and Cub Scout Pack 21 and a suitably loud cannon salute.

The Unveiling
Unveiling, 10/6/1911
Ships Anchor

A mounted ships anchor, believed to be from a revolutionary warship, was unveiled, many thanks to the folks at Chestnut Neck Marina (Anne, Violet and MaryAnn) for not only donating this piece of history but for also covering all labor and expenses involved in its mounting.

A rousing rendition of the Star Spangled Banner was presented by the Seasoned Singers. Col. Somers Chapter President, Norman Goos, lead an expedition into the meadows to the possible location of the “old mud fort”. Fortunately no greenheads made an appearance.


We would also like to express special thanks to Port Republic Mayor Gary Giberson, Historian Doris Budgon, the Coryell’s Ferry Militia and the Post 29 Explorers for handling parking.

For further pictures (slideshows) and videos please click on the Links below.

Centennial Program 

Ceremony Video

Monument Construction Contract 

Design Drawing

Flag Retirement  and Cannon Salute

Additional Pictures Slideshow